A Heartwarming Memory

It’s warming to hear stories about people enjoying the PFR but this one from Mrs. Clancy may be the most touching.

To all at PFR,

I want to share with you the story about a very loyal watcher, my husband Warren Clancy.  I don’t know how long you have been on the air but I remember many years ago (it has to be at least 25) when my husband would get up early on Sunday mornings to watch you.  Not being an early riser I waited until you moved to the Saturday noon time slot to start watching. Although Warren had never been a farmer he loved your show.  The inventive solutions people would find, creative ideas, diversity and crafts people, unique grain and animal breeds, of course restoration … and so much more.  There were times when we’d be out for a drive and he’d remember a show he had seen about someone in that town.

In January 2013 he had to stop watching as he started dialysis and wouldn’t be done until almost noon and we wouldn’t get home in time to watch your show (and no device to record with).  This was very disappointing to him and would still catch your show on the odd occasion his treatment time was changes.

Sadly this summer I lost Warren.  As I was going through a box of caps I found a PFR cap, he was so thrilled when my brother gave it to him.  It is well worn but I still will send it to my brother so he can remember the special moment.  I will miss him telling me all about a show if I wasn’t available to watch it.

I will still try to watch your show, it is well done and always interesting.

Jean Clancy

Click here to read a heartwarming story of Jean and Warren last holiday together : The Telegram